In 3.5 hours, I will be on my way to Halifax to spend 4 glorious days with my mom, my sister-in-law and my absolutely, positively gorgeous neice, Rebecca. I can not wait. I will also have the opportunity to visit my friends and spend some quality time with my apartment. I miss my apartment. I miss... cleaning my apartment. LOL!
So my last post was rather depressing, and one of my friends has suggested that I do something about it. I'm not sure what to do, really. But I promised her I would think long and hard about eating my share of crow. Mmm, that sure looks good. We'll see.
This blog has certianly managed to put a stopper in the serious downward spiral of depression I was headed into. It kind of ebbs and flows now instead of rushing at me at 100 miles an hour like a gyser. Creative outlets are good for the soul I guess. I'm going to start writing again - and this time it won't be under the idea that I want to publish it - it will be for me. It may suck, who knows. But at least it will be mine.
For now, I'm going to leave you all with a favourite quote of mine, by John Ruskin:
"Do not think of your faults, still less of other's faults; look for what is good and strong, and try to imitate it. Your faults will drop off, like dead leaves, when their time comes."
07 November 2008
I'm coming home!!
Posted by Heather at 10:23 AM 1 comments
06 November 2008
What Inspires You?

Posted by Heather at 10:43 AM 1 comments
05 November 2008
May Our Friendship Last Forever
May our friendship last forever
by Nicholas Gordon

May our friendship last forever;
May I sail upon your sea.
May we go through life together;
May there always be a "we."
May I be your endless sky;
May you breathe my gentle air.
May you never wonder why
Each time you look for me, I'm there.
May we be for each a smile
Like the warm, life-giving sun;
Yet when we're in pain awhile,
May our suffering be one.
May we share our special days,
The happiness of one for two;
And if we must go separate ways,
Let my love remain with you.
I really do miss old friends.
Posted by Heather at 4:41 PM 0 comments
New Layout!
Because there is only FIFTY days left until Christmas (yes, you heard me! Only fifty!) I've changed my layout on the blog to reflect a Holiday spirit. There were some really good choices, and some really, really bad choices, but I think this one suits me best.
Let me know what you think!
Posted by Heather at 2:01 PM 1 comments
On a side note, Go Obama!
I know I'm not American, but I would like to extend a big congratulations to Barack Obama, President-elect of the United States of America.
The reason I care is that it's a huge win for racial harmony within the United States. Obama's family looks like a United Nations convention! Being the first "black President" is a major milestone and with this, I have many hopes for the future.
Way to go Obama!
Posted by Heather at 11:52 AM 0 comments
Happy Guy Fawkes Night!
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I can think of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent
To blow up the King and Parli'ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England's overthrow;
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!

So you ask, what the *&^% does that mean? Well, 1) if you're from Newfoundland, you should automatically know. 2) If you've travelled to Britain during the fall at any time in your life, you should already know.
For my woefully unknowing fans out there, let me give you a brief history lesson. I will try to make it as short as possible.
In 1605, a plot to blow up Parliament was discovered in England. The conspirators were a group of Catholic who were against Protestant King James I of England. The attack was meant to wipe out the entire protestant royal family during the State Opening on November 5, 1605. A tip-off lead authorities to the underground of Parliament on November 4th where they found Guy Fawkes and many, many barrels of gunpowder and other items to be used in the explosion. Interrogations led to the arrest of seven other men. Tried and found guilty, all men were hung, drawn and quartered.

Posted by Heather at 11:22 AM 0 comments
04 November 2008
All By Myself
Maybe if I pretend that he'll be coming home any day... no, that won't work. I'll drive myself crazy doing that.
I was talking to my friend Melanie the other day, and asked her if she would consider coming to Halifax for an extended visit of a couple of weeks where I haven't seen her in about 3 years. She said no, flat out. I was a little taken back, and asked why. She said she knew she couldn't go that long without her boyfriend, Joey. I laughed at her, but now I understand. Fifty days is an awful long time. And some people will say "yada yada yada, it'll make you stronger" and then I say, "Please go srew yourself". Even after a year and a half, I hate being away from him. I hope that feeling never leaves, but I dislike having to be put through these situations where I'm forced to feel this way.
I love this job - it's the main reason I'm here. But I just wish that things could be easier. It seems that when things are going well in my professional life, my personal life goes down the tube. And vise versa!
I've got plenty to keep me occupied - but it won't be the same. Oh well. Enough about that. I'll blog more today about other stuff. Gonna have to, to lighten the mood!! :)
Love to all,
Heather -xo-