For me, it's my family. They can, in a single day, infuriate me to the point of desiring a divorce from them, or make me feel as though I'm the most cherished person on the planet. Such is the way with families I guess.
I will be embarking to Halifax in 1.5 days to visit my mother. I'm extremely excited, I haven't seen her since July. I'm also excited to be spending more than one night in my apartment. It's starting to feel more like a hotel than my home.
I said that my family inspires me, but I consider my friends to be a part of my family as well. I'm counting down the days to get back to St. John's to be with my closest friends. No matter where we are in the world, or how long it's been since we've talked or seen each other, it feels like it's only been hours since we've last talked. Our lives our moving in different directions and we're all doing such different things, but the one thing always remains the same - we're always there for each other no matter what.
I'm such a sentimental sap! :)

you are a sap.
I love you, and I miss you :(
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