16 November 2009

What did I do?

I am a firm believer in communication. Heck, I am in the profession of communicating. So I try to keep up with all of my friends. It's hard, I admit. I've got so many wonderful people in my life that I try to hold dear, but my arms are only so long and so strong. So I know that sometimes people slip through the cracks.

But the wonderful thing about most of my friends is that they understand that I have a full time job and work crazy hectic hours. There are certain friends who I can pretty much ignore for weeks at a time and then pick up where we left off like time had melted away between us.

So, that being said, I'm really trying to do the same in regards to the busy, hectic lives of some of my friends. Note the main word: trying.

I'm failing miserably.

There are two people whom I love more than anything in the world living their lives - working, relationships with family and significant others. I have tried, tried, and tried some more to get in touch with them. I text, I write on walls, and I call cell phones that never get picked up. After a month of this, I am starting to get a little discouraged. Have I done something wrong? Was there some little Miss Manners taboo that I crossed the last time I saw either of them?

I feel... so left out being up here. I know it's worth it -- the job, the experience. But sometimes I selfishly just want to tell the world fuck off, and move back home. But right now, I don't even know if I'd feel comfortable there, either.

What gives? I wish I could ask -- but no one seems to be listening to me.