10 November 2009

Ottawa, so far

Well, I have been living in the Capital for three and a half months. It's getting close to four, and it's given me the chance to really settle in and relax.

I've noticed a few things in this lovely town of mine.

1. Politics rule conversations, mail, and basically everything in this town. Am I surprised by this? Not in the least - I knew I was moving to the political hub of Canada. But did I realize how petty and childish polititians really were before I was immersed into it? Not a clue. As a public servant, I almost feel like a babysitter to the MPs on the Hill. It's embarassing, really.

2. Ottawans could not drive if their lives depended on it. They run red lights constantly; they tailgate; they agressively push themselves into other lanes. I know people say that if they don't drive agressively, others will take over the road and they'll never get a chance. Now, tell me if I'm crazy, but I have a silly little idea. It's called being curteous. Ever hear of the term polite? Here is a good example - someone wants to merge onto the highway. People in the lane closest to them, move into the other so they can get in. Then get back into the lane when you have a chance. Here's another one - don't run red lights. You want to kill someone?

Those are the main points right now. I'm sure as I live here longer, I'll notice more. But right now, I'm just content to go to work Monday to Friday (and sometimes Sundays) and save up money for my wedding in July. :D


Anonymous said...

Hey Hedder. I noticed the same thing about the drivers when i was there. I'm used to people not paying attention to red lights, but yes, things are much more fast-paced there, and if you don't know where you're going, you're going to have some angry people... we did okay though.
