How can a cold/bug/flu come on so quickly? I was feeling GREAT yesterday, and last night when I went to bed I was fine as well. Around 2:00am, I woke up to the sound of me sawing a few logs off. I thought to myself, I don't usually snore unless I'm A) drunk B) exhausted or C) sick. I wasn't THAT tired, I hadn't drank anything, and then I tentatively swallowed and my body went:
My throat was on FIRE and I couldn't swallow. Then I lifted my legs to get out of bed to get a glass of water, thinking it would help, and my body went:
"Um... why can't I move my legs? When did they turn into lead?"
Not good. I took some time off this morning, thinking the extra sleep would help. Nope, I feel like sludge. Like this big, mucusy blob of sludge.

I hope I'm feeling slightly better tomorrow... it's the office's Christmas dinner/party and I was so looking forward to attending. I'll still go, but how I'm feeling will decide how long I plan on staying. I only have 20 more days left of work - I've made it to the less than three weeks mark... and technically I'm only working 14 of those days. W00t. Two weeks left. Although now I'm really enjoying it, it kind of sucks. Figures that it would happen in my last few weeks of work. Blech.
22 days left until I am back in Halifax for Christmas... yippie!! I think I'm going to make truffles tonight. If I'm not dead by then.

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