20 November 2008

Bored & Eating Again already

Found a problem I can work on today. I eat when I'm bored. 

Ha. I say it as though it was new information. I know I eat when I'm bored, but I've got to figure out what to replace food with when I'm bored, or replace the food I used to eat (chips and dip and chocolates) at my desk with a healthier option. 

So I just at 1/2 a cup of baby carrots and now I'm enjoying half a bag of SmartPop popcorn. That should do me over until supper. Which will probably take up the majority of my points, but I won't eat very much of it and I'll make sure I have some zero point snacks this evening. Cause I'm allll out of my weekly allowence points. Boo on hot chocolate with 2% milk and fettucini alfredo.